Little Learners
Our Little Learners Program is expertly designed for young children ages 3-4.
Whether it’s early socialization and community for your little one – or their older siblings are in our other classes – the Little Learners Lab is a special and unique addition to the AIM Learning Center.

Little Learners Lab
10:15 AM – 11:45 AM
Max 8 children – Supply cost TBD
(If child still puts things in mouth parental supervision required.)
Do you like the idea of sensory bins but hate the mess? In this class there will be multiple sensory bins with different materials for your child to explore. Sensory play is important to help children learn about the world around them. It encourages learning through exploration, curiosity, problem solving and creativity. It also develops social-emotional skills and motor skills. Come explore and leave the mess for me.
Taught by Chelsea Wright

Lunch & Recess
11:45 AM – 12:45 PM
Supervised by caregivers & parents
All Little Learners are encouraged to join their peers for lunch and recess. Parents are required to bring their own foods, and help their students clean up after themselves. There are weekly volunteers to sign up and supervise Lunch/Recess.

12:45 PM – 2:40 PM
Supervised by caregivers & parents
There will be OPEN PLAY available in the Little Learners room for parents with Little Learners and older students. It is required that your students is under direct supervision, and that the room is returned to its original condition. Some sort of art will always be available for your student.
**Parents are responsible for picking up the area prior to leaving**

Social Club
2:50 PM – 3:20 PM
Little Learners Room is used during this time
**Addtional $40/ half day students**
For the younger kids, ages 4-6, we have a club designed specifically for you! With a delightful mix of playful games, colorful art projects,we offer a nurturing environment where kids can explore, create and make new friends.